Monday, May 24, 2010

Cloth Diapers, Anyone?

Recently, I have been really intrigued by the idea of using cloth diapers... Yes, you read correctly - CLOTH diapers, not those disposable ones. If you are thinking of those white, bleached, washed-a-million-times folded squares of cloth secured by the slightly-bent and huge safety pin, then you have not seen the new cloth diapers that have parents chasing after them like the next fashion statement. They now come in different sizes, and even in the one-size-fits-all (babies only!) hybrids! 

These are by the Happy Heiny's company, and doesn't the cow print diaper look good on this baby? The following ones are from BumGenius, of which I am lemming for right now.

Here are some of the reasons why cloth and not disposables:

Long-Term Cost Savings
Cloth diapers can cost a bit in the beginning to get started. However, they are much, much cheaper in the long run because you would be reusing, reducing and recycling! 

Better for Baby
Cloth diaper users tend to have less issues with diaper rash, irritated bottoms and other common complaints from disposable diaper parents as baby's bottom comes into contact with little or no chemicals at all hence they are less likely to be sensitive. These cloth diapers even come in 100% natural or organic range!

Better for The Environment
In general, it is established that cloth diapers don't take up space in land fills and they do not take a 100 years to degrade, unlike most disposable ones. 

Less Time for Baby to Be Potty-Trained
Parents using cloth diapers said that they spent less time to potty train or educate their child about Elimination Contamination (EC) because the child would feel the wetness immediately when he/she "goes".

They Are Adorable!
Let's face it, cloth diapering is becoming more and more of a fashion statement among young, trendy parents, maybe even grandparents! And they look cute on our little ones!

The only downside I am able to think of right now is that cloth diapers are definitely not for lazy parents as they need proper washing and drying. However, having read countless reviews by rookie parents, I am pretty assured that it won't be as bad as I fear (baby poop isn't that tough to deal with) and these efforts will be paid off some day! :)

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