Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's A Girl!

FINALLY! We went for our Week 20 detailed scan at TMC yesterday and found out Little Bub's gender. We are having a little Princess! And her name will be Jadelyn Ng. :) Hubby Ng and I are definitely really excited about her arrival come October. Only another 20 weeks to go!

Little Jadelyn was very cooperative throughout the entire detailed scan. She's such a great baby! The sonographer was expecting us to take 25 minutes to complete the scan, but because she was so cooperative, we took less than 10 minutes! I was told that she turned when she had to, and stayed still enough at certain points for measurements to be taken. At 20 weeks she weighs 310g, 10g heavier than the average 20-week old.

- For a healthy, active baby girl!